Category Archives: grandma

Healthy Weight for Children. TODAY. 1pm ET on Health Cafe Live radio

What is a healthy weight for children?  What is normal these days?  How do you know whether you children should be losing weight?  And, how can you feed your kids food they will eat so they have enough calories to be active but not too many to be fat?  Are you overwhelmed and confused about
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Supermarket Shopper’s Guide. Wed. 1pm ET

When you walk into a supermarket do you have a grocery list? If so, do you stick to it? Do you feel overwhelmed by your choices? Do you want the truth behind food labels? Do you struggle with your food budget?  Are you tired of the buying the same foods and need a refresher guide
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Switch from Craving Junk to Fresh Foods! RECIPES. Wed. 1pm ET

Splenda, hydrogenated oils, popular chocolate sandwich cookies, fast foods such as chicken nuggets and more are simply junk fake food.  And you ask, how can chicken nuggets served in most fast food restaurants be fake? Well, as only about 20% of a nugget is chicken, what’s the other 80%?  You are about to find out. Wait
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